Register today to reserve your spot!

FTL Annual Summit 2025

Join us for a time to be equipped and encouraged as a pastor or lay leader in your church and addiction discipleship ministry!

You'll hear from leaders share about what an addiction discipleship ministry can look like at your church, as well as an opportunity to experience first-hand what a Freedom That Lasts meeting looks like.


Be equipped to return to your church and disciple your church through addiction.


Ministry and discipleship can be exhausting at times. Leave the FTL Annual Summit encouraged to continue discipling your church!


Reach the hurting and addicted in your communities with the love and transformational power of the Gospel. 

Empower your counseling conversations

By registering for the FTL Annual Summit you'll be empowered with:

Comprehensive Understanding

Learn how addiction affects every facet of life and how to address these areas effectively.

Biblical Counseling Techniques

Application of Scripture and prayer to provide spiritual support and guidance.

Entire-Person Approach

Entire-Person Approach that encompasses all of lifeā€”the inner-man as well as the outer-man.

Community Support

Build a strong, supportive community that encourages daily, weekly, and monthly engagement.

Attend the FTL Annual Summit 2025 and

Be equipped To:

Identify Root Causes of Addiction

Understand the life-enslaving patterns and thoughts that perpetuate addiction.

Combat Deception

Recognize and address the common deceptions that hinder freedom.

Shift Focus

Encourage a transformation from self-centeredness to a God-centered life.


Dr. Jim Berg

Professor of Biblical Counseling
BJU Seminary

Freedom That Lasts

Dr. Mark Shaw

D.Min, Biblical Counseling, CADAC II, ACBC

Founder & President
The Addiction Connection

Caleb Phelps

Senior Pastor
Faith Baptist Church
Taylors, SC

Dr. Ben Marshall

D.Ed.Min, ACBC Fellow

Executive Director
Freedom That Lasts

Dr. Bruce Meyer

D.Min, Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary

Professor, Graduate Studies
BJU Seminary

Bekah Betancourt

M.A., Biblical Counseling
ACBC Certified

Operational Assistant
Freedom That Lasts

Pat Berg

M.A., Biblical Counseling
ACBC Certified

Dr. Dean Kurtz

D.Min, Calvary Bapist Theological Seminary

Freedom That Lasts & Outreach Pastor
Faith Baptist Church
Taylors, SC


Thursday, March 13

5:30-7pm ET // Registration Opens

7-7:45pm ET // Opening Remarks - Dr. Ben Marshall

7:45-8pm ET // Break

8-8:45pm ET // Keynote 1 - Caleb Phelps: FTL Impact on Church

8:45pm ET // Dessert Mingle

Friday, March 14

9-10:15am ET // Keynote 2 - Dr. Dean Kurtz & Dr. Mark Shaw: The Church Must Get Involved

10:15-10:45am ET // Break

10:45-11:45am ET // Workshop

  • Option 1: How to be a Welcoming Church - Reaching Your Community
  • Option 2: Staying on Mission - Keeping the Gospel Primary
  • Option 3: Ministering to Students

11:45am-1:15pm ET // Lunch off campus

1:15-2:15pm ET // Workshop - Dr. Ben Marshall: 7 Keys to Counsel Addicts

2:15-2:30pm ET // Break

2:30-3:15pm ET // Keynote - Dr. Bruce Meyer: Sin, not Disease

3:15-3:45pm ET // Break - Book Signing: Dr. Jim Berg's new book

3:45-4:45pm ET // Workshop

  • Option 1: Recruiting Volunteers
  • Option 2: Equipping Care Group Leaders
  • Option 3: Staying on Mission - Keeping the Gospel Primary

5-6:30pm ET // Dinner On Campus

6:30-8:30pm ET // FTL Meeting Experience

Saturday, March 15

9-10am ET // Workshop

  • Option 1: Staying on MIssion - Keeping the Gospel Primary
  • Option 2: TBD
  • Option 3: TBD

10-10:30am ET // Break

10:30-11:15am ET // Keynote - Dr. Jim Berg, Next Steps after the Summit

11:15-11:30am ET // Conclusion - Dr. Ben Marshall


More details to come

Where: Faith Baptist Church, Taylors, South Carolina
When: Thursday, March 13 7pm - Saturday, March 15 11am EDT