


These Pillars are Central to Our Philosophy:

Addiction originates in the inner man, the heart.

Mark 7:14-21; Jeremiah 17:9; James 1:13-17; James 4:1-3

Biblical recovery is rooted in sanctification, the process by which we become more like Christ.

Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3: 5-17

Biblical support groups should be located in the local church.

Hebrews 10:24-25; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Laying the


The Foundation - Biblical Philosophy Leads To A Biblical Approach 

The most important part of building a home is setting a correct foundation. A foundation which is off by fractions of an inch will result in a home which is off by feet. 

Addiction help is much the same. When the foundational philosophy is off, even just slightly, the resulting outcome will have significant errors. 

Believing the Bible to be God-breathed, Freedom That Lasts has sought to develop a Gospel-centered curriculum aimed at helping someone become more like Christ. We believe that this goal will achieve sobriety and so much more. 

The Outcome: A Biblical Approach Leads to a Biblical Outcome.

Believing the Word of God to be both authoritative and inerrant for all things related to life and godliness, Freedom That Lasts has worked extremely hard so that both the foundation as well as the outcome are in line with God's Word, i.e. that the man [or woman] of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 

Small group of three people in support group for addiction at Freedom That Lasts

Our Philosophy

1. Addictions Begin with Choices

While Freedom That Lasts recognizes that there are snowballing physical consequences for using drugs and alcohol, we believe that every addiction and life-dominating sin begins with choices – not a disease. These choices issue from a heart that turns to something in the creation – a substance, a behavior, another person, etc. – as a way to respond to the difficulties of life apart from God.

2. God’s “Recovery” Program Is Sanctification

The finished work of Christ – His death, burial, and resurrection – is the groundwork for salvation and for all biblical change. A student will not see any God-honoring, lasting change until he or she first becomes a child of God. Once in the family, a person can begin the process of taking on the likeness of Jesus Christ's character through sanctification. 

  • Sanctification is that process whereby the addict cooperates with the Spirit of God as He uses the Word of God to make the people of God like the Son of God amidst the circumstances they face in the providence of God.

A Christ-centered addiction program will see its ministry to addicts primarily as a discipleship ministry. The individual in bondage to a life-dominating sin needs to come to Christ for salvation and then be discipled into a maturing walk in the Spirit in obedience to the Word of God. This is God’s plan for freedom that lasts.

3. God’s “Support Group” Is the Local Church

God intended for His people to find teaching, mutual support, and accountability within biblically sound local assemblies. Straying sheep are easy prey for wolves, and a believer who is not united in community with other believers under the preaching of God’s Word and experiencing the comfort and accountability of fellow believers will not last long in his or her efforts to overcome his or her life-dominating sins, stubborn habits, and overwhelming hurts. 

The Freedom That Lasts program is not intended to be a lifelong need for the student. It is an intensified rescue operation for those whose lives are dominated by sin and stubborn habits. Depending upon a student’s spiritual growth, he or she may be in the program for one year or several years. Most addicts experience up to two years of ups and downs spiritually and physically before experiencing a habit of steady victory.

Freedom That Lasts does not require that students attend the sponsoring church. A crucial part of the program, however, is urging every student to attend a Bible-preaching church. Such requirements are actually built into the checkpoints for each unit in the curriculum.