Are You Addicted?


You Can Break Free from Addiction

Have you all but given up hope that freedom from the cycle of addiction is possible?

You Are Not Alone!

There is a path of hope, full of change that results in freedom.
We want to point you down this path... God's path.

To be fair, this path is hard to walk but easy to follow. This path is not for the faint of heart, but you will have all the strength you need. This path will require your cooperation which means you won't walk it alone. We have helped men and women in situations just like yours walk down this path and live victorious lives.

If you are interested in what this path looks like, how to walk it, and who you will meet along the way, then we invite you to investigate this part of our website just a little bit more. Our desire is that you begin to walk this path and find hope. This is the only path that leads to lasting and eternal freedom from the power of addiction. It's a path to love God and others unlike you have ever experienced. 

Video Playlist

Encouragement from Jim Berg

During the 2020 Covid shutdown, Jim recorded a series of 15 lessons for his local FTL chapter to access.

To view the entire playlist, click the icon in the lower right-hand corner of the player.

Scripture Meditations

Quieting a Noisy Soul

Help quiet your mind by playing and meditating on these scriptures.

Download the Stabilizing Truths Meditation Card

Free Instant Downloads

Basics for Believers Series

Learn what God says about how you can overcome your anger, depression, worry/anxiety, hurt, and pressure/stress.

Find A Chapter

Freedom That Lasts chapters meet weekly. Click on the map below to find the nearest chapter to you.
Chapters are sorted alphabetically by state.

Can't Find a Chapter Near You?

We still want to help. Please contact us by filling out the contact form at the bottom of this page. Someone will be in touch shortly!

What to Expect

Pastor helping a drug addict from the Bible

To Know and Be Known

One goal for each Freedom That Lasts chapter is to allow students to be known and to get to know others in the group. Being known is so much more than just knowing someone's name and a few facts about them. Being known is giving someone permission to find out who you are, what your life has looked like, your best and worst memories, etc. Whether you call it "being known" or simply "finding a friend", you can expect to find an environment that provides the opportunity for someone to get to know you and for you to get to know somebody.

What A Chapter Looks Like

Testimony Time

How Long: 10-20 minutes
What Happens: Sharing with others about the goodness and mercy of God is one of the highlights of every FTL meeting. While sharing what God has been up to is not mandatory by any means, everyone who would like to share is given the opportunity to do so. We have found that once someone speaks up, most everyone likes to share. 
Former addict clapping for her fellow students victory
Freedom That Lasts addiction ministry small group meeting for accountability

Care Group

How Long: 25-30 minutes
What Happens: This segment of every FTL meeting is a time for students to share with a smaller group of FTL members the work that they have put into their walk away from addiction toward freedom in Christ. This time is designed to recognize the hard work each student has done to achieve the different checkpoints found through each of the three different FTL manuals. Men and women get the opportunity to share Scriptures they have been working to memorize, journals they have been filling out, and papers/essays that they have been writing in response to the material in the FTL books. This work is self-paced, meaning the student decides how much work they are going to do each week. Achievements are also celebrated and rewarded with ribbons, pins, and FreedomBucks, which can be used in the local store to purchase FTL materials. 

Teaching Time

How Long: 25-30 minutes
What Happens: In addition to testimony time and the care group meeting, a time of teaching also makes up part of the agenda for every FTL meeting. During this teaching time, students are both challenged and equipped to continue their growth in Christlikeness.  
Freedom That Lasts teaching time to help addicts overcome temptation and addiction
Former addict receiving award for completing the program


How Long: 10-15 minutes
What happens: The night ends by celebrating birthdays as well as recognizing hard work completed by students. When enough work has been completed in each student’s book, ribbons and pins are awarded. During this time, students and their care group leaders come to the front of the room to receive their ribbons. During this time, the group gives each student a round of applause. For some in the chapter, these are the only celebrations that are taking place, so we encourage each chapter to celebrate and celebrate big. 

Fellowship (optional)

How Long: 25-45 minutes
What happens: A great way to wrap the night up is to host a fellowship meal. Many chapters offering a fellowship meal ask for members of the church to provide that meal for students and volunteers. This is a time to laugh, cry, and pray with one another as they celebrate what God has accomplished in the previous week as well as what they are facing in the week ahead. We would highly encourage you to stick around and get to know others who are on the same path to freedom. 
People lined up receiving food in line at Freedom That Lasts weekly addicts meeting