Helping Churches Bring Hope & Help
to a Broken & Addicted World

Church leader, bring hope to those struggling in your community...

We Have An

Addiction Problem

162.5 Million Americans

More than half of the US population admit to using alcohol, tobacco, and/or illicit drugs on a regular basis. (source) 

915,515 Deaths

Almost 1 Million Americans have died from a Drug and Alcohol overdose from 2000-2020. (source) 

$600,000,000,000 Dollars

The US spends more than 600 billion dollars in response to drug and alcohol addiction. (source)  

85% Relapse Rate

85% of addicts relapse within 1 year following treatment. (source) 

The Solution

Freedom That Lasts Chapters:

Equipping churches to welcome, evangelize, and disciple those who are hurting or addicted to grow in Christlike character and wisdom in living life.

FTL offers a turnkey discipleship program to minister to those who are enslaved by addiction or overcome by hurtful events of life.

Turnkey program for your church

By starting an FTL Chapter, you will receive the following to help accomplish the mission:

Time-Tested Curriculum

Our multi-level curriculum allows you to help anyone who attends your FTL chapter, regardless of where they are in their faith, find hope and freedom.

Online Training

Access to our digital training guides will help define roles and responsibilities for your volunteer team and help you provide the best care for anyone attending your FTL chapter.

Digital Graphics

Unlimited access to high quality digital files enables you to print expertly designed resources for both advertising and group time, all created to bring glory and honor to God.

FTL Chapter Portal

Our online community for Directors (via the web-based FTL GroupApp) enables you to connect with FTL Headquarters and other FTL Chapters for mutual encouragement.

Chapter Discount

Each chapter receives a steep discount on the printed materials needed to run a thriving FTL chapter. Our aim has always been to produce excellent materials at the lowest cost, enabling each chapter to run as effectively and efficiently as possible.


Receive ongoing phone support from FTL leadership as needed. FTL leadership is committed to supporting its chapter directors and helping them navigate issues as they arise.


Kevin Schaal
Pastor Northwest Valley Baptist Church

FTL has become an increasingly important part of our local church ministry. Any church today that is reaching the lost with the gospel must find a way to help those who are dealing with addictions and life-dominating sins. There is nothing magical about FTL. It is a discipleship ministry specifically designed for people who desperately need to find Jesus Christ and grow in Him.

We have also found that FTL is a great tool, not only for people dealing with addictions, but also for people facing other significant life issues. It provides a deeper, more accountable form of discipleship than is found in other typical church ministries. Fulfilling the Great Commission in today’s culture demands a ministry like this.

Michael Gambrell
Former Addict & Current Student

As a cocaine addict and an alcoholic for years, I was on a path of no return. Years before, I attended AA, but the "higher power" mentality was not for me. Even then, I knew the truth of God's Word.

12 years ago, Christ saved me, but I still battled my addictions. By God's grace, the drug addiction faded very quickly. However, I still drank, and I kept failing over and over.

A friend invited me to Freedom That Lasts, and I learned that real victory and true freedom comes from walking with God and cooperating with Him to change who I was. I finally had hope that overcoming addiction was possible with God's help. God used FTL to rescue me and continues using it to change my life.

Launch a Chapter



The first step is to complete the Initial Contact Form, and we'll be in touch within two business days.


After signing the Charter Agreement, we'll send you all your materials and curriculum.


We'll help you with training, setup, and launching your chapter.
